Local Guild's Call

Got a call from my local guild today to ask me about teaching a short class during a meeting.  So for the fall quarter, I will teach a class on texture.  Many in the guild are seniors who do landscapes, etc., so I will try to show them how they can fit textural items into their more classic works.  Dont know how well it will go over.....I know some people get themselves fitted into a spot and dont care to come out of it.

Even with the more classic genre, there are great ways to use texture, as I discussed in my Empty Easel pieces.  I will have to get heavy cardboard or something, so they can experiment, and I will bring a few of my pieces to show them how it looks and feels.  I will bring in some painting knives and other pieces for stamping, etc.  Should be fun.

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Precipitous Pathway, new rework

Pathway created into a colorful red-clay n scaff area, with a colorful swirl of leaves, grass and precipitation.